Friday, September 11, 2009

Catholic Wonderworkers: 14th Century

14th Century
St. Agnes of Montepulciano (Dominican nun) [1268-1317] - (1) incorrupt body; (2) myrrh gushed from her hands and feet; (3) cured the mentally and physically ill by her presence; (4) multiplied loaves on several occasions
St. Albert of Sicily () [1250-8/7/1306] - (1)

Bl. Alda of Siena (tertiary of the Holy Humility of Mary) [1249-1309] - (1)

St. Alexis Falconieri () [†2/17/1310] - (1)

St. Andrew Corsini the Wonderworker (Carmelite Bishop of Fiesole and Apostle of Florence) [1302-1/6/1374] - (1) many posthumous miracles; (2) Theotókos told him during Midnight Mass of Christmas that he would go to Heaven on the Feast of the Epiphany; (3) prophecy; (4) many healings; (5) posthumously appeared in clouds on white palfrey and helped Florentines win battle

Bl. Andrew Dotti of Italy (Servite hieromonk) [1256-8/31/1315] - (1) many visions; (2)

Bl. Andrew Lefeuvre of France () [†5/19/1340] - (1)

Bl. Andrew of Segni of Anagni (Franciscan hermit) [d. 2/1/1302] - (1) conquered demonic temptations throughout his life; (2) made Sign of the Cross over a plate of roasted birds and they happily chirped and flew away

Bl. Angela of Foligno (Franciscan tertiary nun & Mistress of Theologians) [1248-1/4/1309] - (1) visions; (2) many miracles at her tomb; (3) St. Francis of Assisi appeared to her in a dream in 1285

Bl. Angelus of Furci () [1246-2/6/1327] - (1)

Bl. Angelus of Gualdo Tadino () [1270-2/6/1324] - (1)

St. Anthony Cantoni of Milan (Franciscan preacher martyred by Muslims) [†3/15/1314] - (1)

Bl. Anthony Patrizi of Siena () [1280-4/27/1311] - (1)

Bl. Augustine Gazotich of Trau (Dominican missionary, bishop of Zagreb, & bishop of Luccera) [1262-8/3/1323] - (1) gift of healing; (2) ; (3) ; (4) ; (5)

Bl. Augustine of Novello () [†5/19/1309] - (1)

St. Avertanus of Limoges () [†2/25/1380] - (1)

Bl. Bartholomew Pucci-Franceschi of Montepulciano (Franciscan fool-for-Christ) [†5/6/1330] - (1)

Bl. Pope Benedict XI of Rome (Niccolo Boccasini of Treviso: Dominican who authored several commentaries on Sacred Scripture) [1240-7/7/1304] - (1) miraculous healings at his tomb
St. Bernard Tolomeo (Giovanni Tolomeo: founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Virgin of Monte Oliveto) [1272-8/21/1348] - (1) Theotókos restored his sight in 1313; (2) many posthumous miracles; (3) he and his monks cared for plague victims without getting sick; (4)

St. Bridget of Sweden () [1303-7/23/1373] - (1) visions of the Nativity of Jesus: "...the virgin knelt down with great veneration in an attitude of prayer, and her back was turned to the manger.... And while she was standing thus in prayer, I saw the child in her womb move and suddenly in a moment she gave birth to her son, from whom radiated such an ineffable light and splendour, that the sun was not comparable to it, nor did the candle that St. Joseph had put there, give any light at all, the divine light totally annihilating the material light of the candle.... I saw the glorious infant lying on the ground naked and shining. His body was pure from any kind of soil and impurity. Then I heard also the singing of the angels, which was of miraculous sweetness and great beauty..."; (2) visions of Purgatory; (3) after her long and patient prayer to Jesus about how many blows He received during His Passion, He appeared to her and said: "I received 5475 blows upon My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, recite fifteen Our Fathers and fifteen Hail Marys with the following Prayers, which I Myself shall teach you, for an entire year. When the year is finished, you will have honored each of My Wounds."

St. Catherine of Siena (peacemaking virgin Tertiary nun of the Dominican Order and Scholastic Doctor of the Church who worked to bring papacy back to Rome) [3/25/1347-4/29/1380] – (1) incorrupt body; (2) 1366 Mystical Marriage to Jesus in which Christ in a vision presented her with a wedding ring made from His shriveled foreskin, given in the Circumcision, and He told her to return to public life; (3) Siena citizens smuggling her head prayed to her and her head appeared as roses before the guards in Rome but returned to its normal form upon the return to Siena; (4) levitation; (5) stigmata
St. Catherine of Sweden () [1331-3/24/1381] - (1)

Bl. Charles of Blois (married duke, soldier, & founder of several religious houses) [1320-9/29/1364] - (1)

Bl. Christina Bruzo von Stommeln () [7/24/1242-11/6/1312] - (1) stigmata; (2) ecstasies; (3) mystical visions starting at age five; (4) levitation; (5) ; (6)

Bl. Clare Agolanti of Rimini () [1282-2/10/1344] - (1)

St. Clare of Montefalco (Augustinian nun and abbess) [1268-8/18/1308] – (1) incorrupt body; (2) fell into ecstasy for several weeks after confessing in front of all her fellow nuns during Epiphany celebration; (4) vision of her judgment in front of God; (5) vision of God Himself in all His majesty in which God told her that to live in and with Him a soul must be very unconditionally faithful to Him; (6) vision of Heaven with the saints; (6) vision of Hell and the damned; (7) ; (8) ; (9) ; (10)

St. Conrad of Piacenza (noble-born Franciscan Hermit of the Third Order of St. Francis) [1290-2/19/1351] – (1)

Bl. Dominic of Besian () [†4/26/1300] - (1)

Bl. Dorothy Swartz of Montau (Benedictine nun) [2/6/1347-1/25/1394] - (1) visions; (2) prophecies; (3)

St. Elizabeth of Portugal () [1271-7/4/1336] - (1) incorrupt body; (2)

St. Elko of Lidlum (Premonstratensian abbot-martyr) [†3/22/1332] - (1)

Bl. Emily Bicchieri of Vercelli (Dominican prioress) [1238-5/3/1314] - (1) ; (2) ; (3)

Bl. Flora of Beaulieu (Hospitaller nun of Saint John of Jerusalem) [1309-10/5/1347] - (1)

St. Francis of Fermo (Franciscan preacher martyred by Muslims) [†3/15/1314] - (1)

Bl. Gerard Cagnoli () [1270-1/3/1345] - (1)

St. Gertrude the Great of Helfta (virgin Benedictine nun) [1/6/1256-Wednesday of Easter season, 1302] - (1) Jesus appeared to her and invited her to rest her head on His breast to hear the beating of His Sacred Heart; (2) prophecy; (3) frequent raptures; (4)

Bl. Gertrude van Oosten of the Netherlands () [†1/6/1358] - (1)

Bl. Gregory of Besian () [†4/26/1300] - (1)

Bl. Gregory Celli of Verucchio () [1225-5/4/1343] - (1)

Queen St. Hedwig of Poland () [†7/17/1399] - (1)

Bl. Henry of Treviso () [1250-6/10/1315] - (1)

Bl. Henry Suso (Heinrich von Berg: Dominican mystical writer) [3/21/1295-1/25/1366] - (1) frequent visions and ecstasies; (2) after he wore a hair shirt with 150 brass nails pointed inward as his night shirt for 16 years, an angel appeared to him on Pentecost Sunday and whispered that God wanted him to discontinue this practice;

St. Humility of Faenza () [1226-5/22/1310] - (1)

Bl. Ida of Louvain () [†4/13/1300] - (1)

Bl. Imelda Lambertini of Bologna () [1322-5/12/1333] – (1) levitating Eucharist before her; (2) died out of sheer love for the Eucharist; (3)

St. Ivo Helory of Kermartin ( & Advocate of the Poor) [10/17/1253-5/19/1303] - (1) fed hundreds of people from a single loaf of bread

Bl. James of Cerqueto (Augustinian friar & hermit) [†1367] - (1) ; (2) other miracles

Bl. James the Almsgiver of Chiusi (priest-martyr) [†1/15/1304] - (1)

Bl. James of Mevania (Dominican prior) [1220-8/23/1301] - (1)

Bl. James Salomoni of Venice (Giacomo Salomoni: Dominican hieromonk) [1231-3/31/1314] - (1) frequent ecstasies; (2) prophecies; (3) healing paralytics

Bl. Jane of Orvieto (Dominican tertiary nun) [1264-7/23/1306] - (1) visions; (2) prophecies; (3) stigmata; (4) worked other miracles; (5) frequent ecstasies; (6) frequent bilocation; (7) frequent levitation; (8) in last ten years of her life she was in trances and outstretched on floor in position of Christ Crucified every Good Friday
Bl. Jane of Segna () [1245-11/9/1307] - (1)

Bl. Joachim Piccolomini of Siena () [1258-4/16/1306] - (1)

Bl. John of Alvernia () [1259-8/10/1322] - (1) ; (2) ; (3)

St. John of Bridlington () [1319-10/10/1379] - (1)

Bl. John Bufalari of Rieti (Augustinian friar-hermit) [†8/1/1347] - (1) miraculous healings at his tomb

Bl. John Colombini of Siena () [1300-7/31/1367] - (1)

Bl. John of La Verna () [] - (1) foresaw his death; (2) ; (3) ; (4)

St. John Pelingotti () [1240-6/1/1304] - (1)

Bl. John Duns Scotus () [1265-5/19/1308] - (1)

St. John Thwing of Bridlington (Augustinian prior) [1319-10/10/1379] - (1) ; (2)

Bl. John of Vallumbrosa [†3/10/1380] - (1)

St. John Wolfin of Nepomuk (priest and Martyr of the Confessional) [1340-3/20/1393] - (1)

Bl. Jordan of Pisa (Dominican preacher) [1255-8/19/1311] - (1) visions

Bl. Julia of Certaldo () [1319-2/15/1370] - (1)

St. Juliana Falconieri (virgin foundress of the Sisters of the Third Order of Servites) [1270-6/19/1341] - (1)

Bl. Justina Francucci Bezzoli of Arezzo () [1260-3/12/1319] - (1) incorrupt body; (2)

Bl. Marcolini of Forli (Dominican reformer) [1317-1/24/1397] - (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4)

Bl. Margaret of Castello () [1287-1320] - (1) crippled girl miraculously cured at her funeral; (2) incorrupt body found 238 years after her repose despite rotten coffin
Bl. Margareta Ebner of Germany (Dominican nun) [1291-7/20/1351] - (1) learned in a vision that King Louis the Bavarian was saved; (2) recorded many communications between herself and the Infant Christ

St. Monaldus of Ancona (Franciscan preacher martyred by Muslims) [†3/15/1314] - (1)

St. Nicholas of Tolentino (Augustinian friar & Patron of Holy Souls) [1246-9/10/1305] – (1); born after infertile parents, Compagnonus de Guarutti and Amata de Guidiani, prayed at shrine of St. Nicholas of Myra; (2) incorrupt body; (3) visions of Purgatory; (4) visions of angels saying "to Tolentino;" (5) vision of Theotókos, St. Augustine, and St. Monica telling him to eat special bread roll dipped in water; (6) Satan beat him with a stick; (7) resurrected 100+ dead children; (8) made the Sign of the Cross over a roasted fowl and it flew out a window; (9) threw a piece of blessed bread on flames and extinguished the fire at the palace of the Doge of Venice; (10) appeared in the sky after nine people on sinking ship and calmed storm with his right hand

St. Notburga of Rattenberg (lay servant) [1265-9/16/1313] - (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4)

Bl. Odoric Mattiuzi of Pordenone (Franciscan hermit & missionary) [1285-2/3/1331] - (1) ; (2)

St. Oringa of the Cross (Augustinian abbess) [†1310] - (1) traveled around working many miracles in Lucca

Bl. Panacea de'Muzzi of Quarona () [1378-5/1/1383] - (1)

St. Peregrine Laziosi () [1260-5/1/1345] - (1) Theotókos told him to go to Siena, Italy and join the Servites; (2) incorrupt body; (3) prayed the night before a scheduled amputation of his cancerous foot and Jesus Christ appeared to him and completely eradicated the cancer with His touch

Bl. Peter Armengol of Tarragona () [1238-4/27/1304] - (1)

Bl. Peter Ghisenghi of Gubbio () [1210-3/23/1306] - (1) ; (2)

Bl. Peter of Troja () [†2/17/1304] - (1)

Bl. Philip Suzanni of Piacenza () [1250-5/24/1306] - (1)

Bl. Rainer Mariani of Arezzo (Franciscan lay brother) [†11/1/1304] - (1)

Bl. Raymond of Capua (Raymond delle Vigne: Dominican & ) [1330-10/5/1399] - (1)

Bl. Raymond Lull () [1232-6/29/1315] - (1)

Bl. Raynald Concorrezzo of Ravenna () [1240-8/18/1321] - (1)

Bl. Richard Rolle of England () [1300-9/29/1349] - (1) ; (2)

St. Roch of Montepelier, France () [1295-8/16/1327] - (1) angel cared for him for his five-year imprisonment until he reposed in the Lord; (2) born with image of red Cross on his breast; (3) healed plague victims; (4)

Bl. Roland de'Medici () [1330-9/15/1386] - (1)

Bl. Romaeus of Limoges () [†3/4/1380] - (1)

St. Roseline of Villeneuve (Carthusian nun) [1263-1/17/1329] - (1) many visions; (2) "great power over demons"; (3) clairvoyance: could read hearts; (4) incorrupt body; (5) miracles at her tomb; (6) her father asked what she was hiding in her apron and the bread she brought for beggars turned to roses; (7) appeared in a cloud of roses to her captured Crusader brother Hélian and freed him from chains and safely led him home across the seas; (8) other mystical gifts of the Holy Spirit

Bl. Sibyllina Biscossi of Pavia (Dominican tertiary nun) [1287-3/23/1367] - (1) St. Dominic appeared to her encouraging her to join the Dominicans; (2) many healings; (3) incorrupt body; (4) able to sense the Real Presence in the Eucharist: she informed a priest walking by that the Host was unconsecrated and he checked and discovered he had taken the Host from the wrong container

Bl. Simon Ballachi of Rimini () [1240-11/5/1319] - (1)

St. Simon Rinalducci (Augustinian provincial prior) [†4/20/1322] - (1)

Bl. Thomas Corsini of Orvieto () [†1345] - (1)

Bl. Ubald Adimari of Italy () [1245-4/9/1315] - (1)

Bl. Villana de'Botti [1332-1/29/1361] - (1)

Bl. William of Naurose () [1297-5/18/1369] - (1)

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